Philippines_Seungchul Shin 2024

Philippines_Seungchul Shin 2024

The urban slum of Baseco, near Manila, is home to over 100,000 people and is plagued by severe social issues such as organ trafficking, drug abuse, arms smuggling, teenage pregnancies, and single-parent households. Many children lack birth registrations due to financial hardships, leaving them without official identification. In this area, often referred to as a “garbage village,” residents live in dire conditions, facing skin diseases, malnutrition, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other illnesses. With the support of GCF, we have been able to provide meals to the children in greatest need in Baseco. From Monday to Saturday, approximately 300 children aged 1 to 10 receive warm meals at 2 p.m., offering vital nutrition to impoverished families and helping combat hunger and malnutrition.  This meal program significantly impacts the health and development of these growing children. It prevents malnutrition, improves overall health, and contributes to their physical and mental well-being.  Thanks to GCF’s invaluable support, we have been able to provide abundant meals to the children throughout the year.