El Salvador

El Salvador

Children of El Salvador Rediscover Their Lost Dreams


El Salvador, a small country in Latin America, has suffered a long civil war after the independence from Spain due to extreme poverty gap and inequality. After the civil war, violence, drugs, and murder are serious enough to cause bloodshed during the day. El Salvador has the highest murder rate per population density in the world.


Because gangs are still stronger than the government and there are not many jobs, it is common for parents to have jobs related to gangs. Children often become part of gangs naturally since childhood. I am working to protect, educate, and preach the gospel to such children.


For those in need, a small piece of bread is sometimes a lifeline and a token of love.


In the heart of the Lord beyond religion, with the support from Global Children Foundation we are able to provide free lunch with a balanced diet every day for children who are hungry and undernourished to take care of children’s health. Through after-school program from Monday to Friday, I assist the children with their homework, tutor those who are falling behind at school, and encourage children’s emotional development through sports and games such as English, computer, table tennis, soccer, and basketball.


Through materials of love provided by Global Children Foundation, I instill dreams, instill gratitude, and empower the children who lost their hopes. I believe that these promising future generations grow to become leaders in their respective fields and will lead this country to a healthy and rich country. I will continue to pray and lead the ministry. Thank you.