Zambia 2019

Zambia 2019

During summer break in August, we were able to take a field trip to a beach in another Province. This trip took 9 hours on the bus and lasted for 3 days.

From the first night we got there, we were supposed to return home on Friday, but some children were throwing tantrums, insisting we come back on Monday instead. Children spent such a lovely time there, studying about nature, the ocean, and geography.

We are planning on taking a trip to the zoo in another city during Christmas break in December. Seeing other places outside of their village is absolutely critical in their education regarding the outside world, buildings, how markets work, and other people.

Children are very healthy and the 5 children we have in our nursery school are so extremely smart that we are actually wondering how we can help them in the best way in the future.

The 4th and 5th graders, which I am in charge of teaching, are learning even through videos on YouTube.

I am so thankful every day that God has given us this opportunity to live such happy days.

I pray for abundance in His blessings in all your health and all the work that you do.