Vietnam_Mai Thi Ha Quyen 2024
Southeast AsiaNguyen, who has cerebral palsy, has faced significant challenges in receiving the care and rehabilitation therapy he needs. His parents, busy with demanding jobs at a factory, struggled to provide adequate support for him. Although a local daycare center opened in 2021, they were unable to enroll Nguyen due to financial and time constraints. As a result, Nguyen spent much of his time alone at home, missing out on vital rehabilitation therapy and the opportunity to interact socially with peers.
Thanks to the generous support of the Global Children Foundation (GCF), the daycare center in this central Vietnam region has become a safe haven for children like Nguyen, providing them with nutritious snacks and creating positive changes in their lives. This support has greatly eased the burden on Nguyen’s parents while offering him a safe and stimulating environment in which to grow. Today, Nguyen enjoys personalized rehabilitation therapy and engaging activities at the daycare center with the help of dedicated therapists and medical staff. Through therapeutic exercises and social interactions with peers, his motor skills have improved significantly, and his confidence has grown noticeably.
The continued support of GCF has brought new hope and brighter futures to children with disabilities and their families in central Vietnam.