Peru_Sister Yeongju Koo 2020

Peru_Sister Yeongju Koo 2020

In the Peruvian Amazon region, the dry season begins in May, causing rivers to dry up and forcing children to cross these rivers under the scorching sun, often exceeding 40°C, to reach their schools. For these children, the free meal program at the church is like an oasis—a place to rest, dry their uniforms, and enjoy lunch on their way to school. Additionally, the children’s free meal center in Caserío village provides one daily meal to younger children, offering them a space filled with joy and hope.  The residents of Caserío rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. However, the region’s seasonal extremes—divided between rainy and dry seasons—leave little opportunity for work outside of planting and harvest periods, placing the community in a state of constant hardship. Despite these challenges, the children strive for education and survival, but poverty continues to cycle without external support.  Amid these difficulties, the Vincent Cimatti Children’s Free Meal Center serves as more than just a place for a meal. It is a community grounded in God’s love, sharing joy, hope, and faith. For the children, it is a haven that helps them endure their challenging daily journeys and a nurturing space where they can dream of a brighter future.