Indiana Branch

Indiana Branch

회원의날 모임 소식을 알려드립니다 이곳 날씨가 추워서 회원의날을 4월29일 갖게되었읍니다. 모임는 Fort Harrison state park 에서 만남을가졌는데요 이번에 새로 가입한몇분의 뉴회원들과 기존회원들간의 맛있는점심과 특별히 줌바선생님을 초빙하여 건강을위한 에어로빅 시간을 즐겁게가졌읍니다. 그리고 아주멋있는 하이킹코스가 여러군데있는데 그중 한곳을 선택하여 즐거움을 만끽하면서 GCF 의 대한 소망과 비젼에대하여 대화을하며 즐겁고 행복한 회원의날을 마치었읍니다 .

Here is our latest update of the membership meeting. The weather here was cold, so we had planned the membership day to take place on April 29th at the Fort Harrison State Park. With new and existing members, Indiana Branch enjoyed the aerobics especially with the Zumba instructor and shared a delicious lunch. There were also several great hiking trails, one of which we chose to partake in to talk about our goals and visions for the GCF. Overall, it was a remarkably joyful membership day.


참여해주시고 수고해주신 임원님들 회원님들 감사드립니다 (Thank you to those participating members and executives). 


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