“To end child hunger in the world”
Founded in 1998, the Global Children Foundation’s mission flows out from the intrinsic love parents have for their children. We strive to offer a brighter future by providing resources for the well-being, education, and guidance of children in need throughout the world.
Children helped
Mission Fields
Past 26 years, Global Children Foundation has been helping 517,000 children in 59 countries.
Our Branches
GCF is a volunteer-based organization with 8,000 volunteers in 24 branches.
News & Blog
Las Vegas Branch_Benefit Concert
San Francisco Branch
지난 몇 달 동안 모든 회원들의 정성과 사랑의 마음을 담아서 2017년도 골프대회를 무사히 마쳐서 우리 회원들과 후원자들께 깊은 감사를 드립니다. 이곳 북가주에는 지난 몇 해 동안 가뭄이 해갈 되는 비가 내려서 모든 사람들의 마음이 여유로워졌지만 사월의 보슬비가 바람과 함께 동반하여 애간장을...
Michigan Branch
Michigan Branch 미시간지부 총회 준비 위원회가 모여서 함께 의논하고 함께 일하는 모습입니다
Making a donation to GCF is a way of reaching out to a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to stop child hunger. 100% of your money will help feed hungry children all around the world. (EIN: 52-2114748)