Welcome to GCF

To end child hunger in the world

With a Power of Love

Planting the seeds of change

Join GCF Today

To stop the hunger and poverty

GCF Story

Global Children Foundation


5,000 volunteers over 23 branches

Bringing Bright Future

100% of the membership fees goes to helping children around the world.

“To end child hunger in the world”

Founded in 1998, the Global Children Foundation’s mission flows out from the intrinsic love parents have for their children. We strive to offer a brighter future by providing resources for the well-being, education, and guidance of children in need throughout the world.



Children helped


Mission Fields

Past 26 years, Global Children Foundation has been helping 517,000 children in 59 countries.

Our Branches

GCF is a volunteer-based organization with 8,000 volunteers in 24 branches.


News & Blog

Indiana Branch

Indiana Branch

지난 9월에 있었던 어린이 돕기 기금 마련 골프대회를 잘마쳤다.수익금으로는 연말에 도움이 필요한 어린이들을 돕기로 결정하였다.(The Julian Center , Children’s Bureau,Inc. , The Villages, Day Spring Center) More...

San Francisco Branch_크리스마스 선물

San Francisco Branch_크리스마스 선물

SJ 쉐리프 경찰국과 Toys r us그리고 GCF가 함께 아이들에게 크리스마스 선물로 3곳의 학교 모범생 어린이들 33명에게 Bikes and Helmets을 선물하였다.  more...

Las Vegas Branch_가을 만보걷기 & 학습돕기 프로그램

Las Vegas Branch_가을 만보걷기 & 학습돕기 프로그램

11/6/2017: 기금 모금을 위한 "가을 만보걷기" 행사를 가졌습니다. 회원들과 교민들 40여명이 가을 산길을 걸으면서 gcf 의 설립 취지와 활동에 대해서 이야기를 나누며 등산이 끝난후에는 회원들이 준비한 비빔밥으로 맛있는 점심을 먹으면서 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다. 참가자 중에서 3명이...


Making a donation to GCF is a way of reaching out to a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to stop child hunger. 100% of your money will help feed hungry children all around the world.  (EIN: 52-2114748)