“To end child hunger in the world”
Founded in 1998, the Global Children Foundation’s mission flows out from the intrinsic love parents have for their children. We strive to offer a brighter future by providing resources for the well-being, education, and guidance of children in need throughout the world.
Children helped
Mission Fields
Past 26 years, Global Children Foundation has been helping 517,000 children in 59 countries.
Our Branches
GCF is a volunteer-based organization with 8,000 volunteers in 24 branches.
News & Blog
Los Angeles Branch
New Member Orientation 이 있었습니다 . New 회원들이 GCF 에 들어와 지켜야할 지침서와 Mission이 무엇인지 모두 뺏지도 달아두고 정관도 나눠 줬습니다. 또한 오랜만에 만남의 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다. ...
Indiana Branch
10월 12일 저희집(나영심회장)에서 회원님들과 함께 모임을 가졌습니다. 앞으로의 일정과 계획을 논의 했으며 12월13일에 김미선 새회장님 이취임식을 갖기로 했습니다. 도네션도 함께 해주셔서 너무 감사하고 즐거운 시간이었습니다....
Indiana Branch
We had a September meeting in Indiana branch. It's been a long time since I met each other's regards and general assembly and we had a place to introduce and...
Making a donation to GCF is a way of reaching out to a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to stop child hunger. 100% of your money will help feed hungry children all around the world. (EIN: 52-2114748)