“To end child hunger in the world”
Founded in 1998, the Global Children Foundation’s mission flows out from the intrinsic love parents have for their children. We strive to offer a brighter future by providing resources for the well-being, education, and guidance of children in need throughout the world.
Children helped
Mission Fields
Past 26 years, Global Children Foundation has been helping 517,000 children in 59 countries.
Our Branches
GCF is a volunteer-based organization with 8,000 volunteers in 24 branches.
News & Blog
2016년 정기 이사회
장소 Crowne Plaza San Francisco Airport 1177 Airport Blvd, Burlingame, 94010, CA, US Phone: +1.650.342.9200 날짜 6/3(금요일) ~ 6/5(일요일), 6/6(월요일) check...
2015년 정기 이사회
2015년 글로벌어린이재단 정기이사회 공고 글로벌어린이재단 2015년 정기이사회가 다음과 같이 개최됨을 알려드립니다. 날짜: 2015년 6월 5- 7일(3일간) 장소: Four Points by Sheraton San Diego 8110 Aero Drive San...
Virginia 지부소식 2012
Virginia 지부 소식
Making a donation to GCF is a way of reaching out to a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to stop child hunger. 100% of your money will help feed hungry children all around the world. (EIN: 52-2114748)