Washington DC Branch

 4월22일에골프토너멘트를성황리에 마쳤습니다. 함께 후원과 참여해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. GCF Washington DC Branch successfully carried through fundraising drive golf tournament for deficient children. A huge thank to all those who advocated and participated in this affair.   ...

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New York Branch

4/20 금요일 회원의날 로 정하여 최선을 다하여 준비하여 주신 임원및 회원들과 후원자분들 함께 보람있게 행사를 잘 마치게 되었음의 소식을 알립니다.  We are pleased to inform you that the members and supporters who attended for membership day which was held on April 20 had prepared for the best and had done well together.     회원의날 축하인사로 뉴욕 총영사님 ,방숙자 명예 이사장님...

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